Mini Reunions



1. Spearhead planning.
2. Serve as host for event on-site.
3. Create registration, if applicable.
4. Post-event, share successes with the Reunion Office regarding outcome and attendance!


1. Provides promotional support for Mini Reunions by including event information on the main Reunion website.

NOTE: We regret that the Reunion Office cannot provide staff support or budgetary assistance.

Mini Reunions are alumni social gatherings during Reunion Weekend that are planned for and by alumni. They are a wonderful way to reunite with friends who made your college experience memorable. Past Mini Reunions have been organized around athletics, majors, regions, student associations, or other shared experiences.

Mini Reunion - Planning Steps

  1. Contact your classmates and friends to determine if there is interest in organizing a Mini Reunion during the larger Reunion Weekend!

  2. Alert the Reunion Office that you are planning an event by filling out this Mini Reunion Interest Form

  3. Review the Mini Reunion Location and Time:

    New this year, Reunion Weekend will have a dedicated space on campus and time frame, for Mini Reunions, that will lessen conflicts with campus-wide activities.

  4. Create a Registration Form - The Reunion Office can provide suggestions.

  5. Invite Classmates! Promote your event to ensure maximum participation. Examples include email invitations or Reunion Facebook groups.