
The Law School alumni office is offering online Reunion books for classes ending in 0, 1, 5 and 6. This will enable you to keep in touch and read the latest news from your classmates.

Your page is immediately viewable after submission. You can edit your page at any time, search interests you share with other classmates, and view a map highlighting the cities where your classmates live.

We hope you will complete your page soon.  We look forward to seeing you for your Reunion!

  • How do I create my Reunion Class Book page?

    Please click your class link above to learn how to create your Reunion Class book page. 

  • When can I submit my Reunion Class Book page?

    Alumni in class years ending in 0, 1, 5 and 6 will receive an email by May 2021 with a link to submit a page. If you did not receive an email by May 2021, please contact us at

  • When is the Reunion Class Book page deadline?

    There is no official deadline.  You will have immediate access to view profiles once you add your profile. You can edit your profile for one year.

  • How do I request an email access code if my current email address is not accepted?

    If the email address you entered is not recognized, it means that we do not have that current email address listed as your preferred contact email in our database. Please contact us at and we will send you a link to the email that was previously unrecognizable.

  • Can I submit my page via postal mail or email?

    Alumni celebrating their 50th Reunion who have trouble submitting their pages online may contact us at for mailing options.

  • When can I read the Reunion Class Book pages?

    Alumni who submit will immediately be able to view their own pages, as well as the pages of other classmates.

  • How many photographs can I upload to my page?

    You can upload one profile photo and up to ten additional photos (jpg, tiff and png files).

    NOTE: The first and last name you entered for your page will appear immediately underneath your profile photo. If you enter a caption for the profile photo, it will only show when clicking on the overlaying graphic (the letter 'i') in the upper right of the profile photo.  
    Captions entered for the additional photos will display immediately underneath those photos.

  • How do I edit my page after I submit it?

    Visit the Reunion Class Book page link and click on the 'My Page' link in the upper right of the page in order to edit your entry.

    Please find a tutorial video on how to edit your page  here 

  • Can I search Reunion Class Book pages by keywords now that they are online?

    Yes. You can search by name, dorm or residence, hobbies or interests, or just a keyword in general.

  • If we are married, can we submit a single Reunion Class Book page?

    Yes. When you are asked for your first name and last name, there is also an entry to add your spouse/partner name.

  • How do I find the map that shows the cities where my classmates are living?

    Navigate to the Reunion Class Book link for your class year and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. You'll find the map.

  • How can I reach Reunion Class Books customer service?

    Contact the Reunion office by email, and we will be happy to assist.