Weekend Highlights
Friday, October 7
Parking is available for all events at the Law School in the Law School lots located on 21st Avenue and lots across the street from the front entrance to Law School, as well as in Terrace Garage which is off 21st on Terrace Place. Dress is business casual.
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
ELPAR Open House
Downstairs in the new ELPAR Suite
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Vanderbilt Law Review Open House
Downstairs in the new VLR Suite
4:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Check In
Law School Lobby, 21st Avenue South entrance
Main entrance
Pick up your nametag(s) and other Reunion information for the weekend. Nametags will also be available Saturday morning at the continental breakfast, before the programs, and at class parties on Saturday evening.
5:00 p.m.
Law School building tours
Law School, 21st Avenue entrance
Meet in front of the Admissions Office at 4:45 p.m. for 30-minute tours given by students, prior to the cocktail reception.
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Law School Cocktail Reception-for all Law School Reunion Classes
Law School, 21st Avenue entrance
Main Lobby, North Lobby and Blackacre
Celebrate with your classmates, other Law School alumni, some faculty and staff. Then head out to dinner at one of Nashville's popular restaurants!
Saturday, October 8
Parking is available for all events at the Law School in the Law School lots located on 21st Avenue and lots across the street from the front entrance to Law School, as well as in Terrance Garage which is off 21st on Terrace Place. Dress is casual.
Beginning at 8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
Law School North Lobby, outside Flynn Auditorium
Pastries, muffins, tea, coffee, and juice will be available.
9:00 a.m.
"A Snapshot of Vanderbilt Law School"
Chris Guthrie, Dean
John Wade-Kent Syverud Professor of Law
Law School
Flynn Auditorium
10:00 a.m.
"Back to the Classroom: Exchanges and Cryptocurrency Markets"
Yesha Yadav
Associate Dean and Robert Belton Director of Diversity, Equity and Community; Professor of Law; Faculty Co-director, LL.M. Program
Law School
Flynn Auditorium
Professor Yadav explores how a simple idea from the 1790s - an exchange - has come to become a centralizing and dominant actor within cryptocurrency markets. The big question now is whether a cryptocurrency exchange can also provide a stabilizing force within an otherwise frontier market, or does is it instead contribute to its risks? Even as crypto exchanges have lent their names to NBA Arenas and dominate Super Bowl ads, how much do we really know about how they work? For us as lawyers, does their size, scale and impact offer a way forward for policymakers to use them as quasi-regulators to oversee a market that has, thus far, managed to avoid any real oversight?
11:00 a.m.
"VLS Today"
Student Panel
Law School
Flynn Auditorium
11:45 a.m.
Law School building tours
Meet outside Flynn Auditorium for these 30-minute tours, given by students.
Saturday Evening Class Party
6:30 p.m.
At the home of Bill, JD'77 and Susie O'Bryan
911 Bowring Park
Nashville, TN 37215
You will see lined parking spaces in areas near the front of the O'Bryan's home. Please feel free to park there, instead of on the street.
Get Ready for Reunion
Registration is open for classes ending in 2 or 7!
Make a Gift to Our Class Scholarship
A handful of classmates have generously made lead gifts to help the class establish a scholarship in honor of our 45th Reunion. The scholarship is part of the Access2VLS initiative, a first of its kind need-based aid program. The ultimate goal of the program is to meet financial need up to the cost of tuition, which will greatly reduce student debt. The threshold for endowing the Law Class of 1977 Access2VLS Scholarship is $100,000 and we need your help to get there! Please consider making a gift or pledge to the scholarship or annual fund at vu.edu/law1977. Please contact Sarah.Bochicchio@vanderbilt.edu with any questions.
Class Leadership
Pat Mulloy
Reunion Chair
Billye Sanders
Promotion Chair
Julian Bibb
Perry Brandt
Jim Frierson
Brad Hume
Bill O'Bryan
Susan Shands
David Simmons
Richard Unger
Reunion Committee